sanctuary cross

Christ The Servant Lutheran

Welcoming others to experience God's Grace. Sundays at 10:30 AM in the Sanctuary or Join on Zoom.

God's Grace Encompasses Everyone

God welcomes, cherishes, and affirms each person, as all are made in God's image. At Christ the Servant, we strive to look like God’s vision for one new humanity, united under God’s grace in Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:14-16). We acknowledge the harm that is often done in the name of Jesus when the church excludes, dividing all people into “us vs. them.” We affirm and celebrate LGBTQIA+ people and relationships. We commit to the work of racial equity, social and economic justice, creation care, and unity with all humanity under the Gospel. 

Upcoming Events

Monday Evening Bible Study

Tue Feb 11, 1:30 AM

Kaffee Klatsch

Tue Feb 11, 3:00 PM


Tue Feb 11, 3:30 PM

Morning Book Club

Wed Feb 12, 4:00 PM


There are a variety of activities outside of the worship service in which you can choose to participate, or you can start your own ministry; we are very supportive of each other. Your level of participation is up to you.

Join Us!

CTS is a small congregation in a small church. It is easy to learn people's names (we even have name tags). It's even easier to make friends and find a church family in our established congregation, where you won't be overwhelmed.

Anyone is welcome. Jesus welcomed the children, the sick, the sinners, the crowds, and everyone else, without question, and we will too!

Who We Are

Whatever your race, ethnicity, or skin color; Whatever your sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression Whatever your health, family status, or income; Whatever your religious background (or lack thereof); Whatever your political persuasion; Whether you are young, old, or somewhere in between; Feeling guilty or feeling blessed; Even if you're only here to make Grandma happy, We welcome you as you are. It's what Jesus would do.